Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 2 pictures (in no particular order)

A hilarious game of Apples 2 Apples (the Jewish version!) to end the night

Caleb leaving his hand print on the Civil Rights Monument

Students sharing specific stories of those killed because of their participation in the Civil Rights Movement

A significant quote at the Civil Rights Center

The boys behind home plate of the Biscuits home field

The site where Rosa Parks was arrested, marking the beginning of the bus boycott in Montgomery
Billy explaining the progression of the Civil Rights Movement through photos

Our whole group before going into the synagogue.

Billy giving us the plan of the day.

Jonah leading us in Modeh Ani to start the day.

The Civil Rights Memorial

Another piece of the Civil Rights Memorial, with water flowing over the quote.

Group shot

When you pledge to be tolerant, your name gets added to the Wall of Tolerance.

The kids' new Montgomery Biscuits gear

A wax representation of the Victory Ride -- marking the end of the bus boycott

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